My beloved Olie passed away early this morning. He had been battling something but couldn't figure out what. My mom and I had first adopted him 10 years ago, he was about 3 at the time. He gave us many years of happiness and we will really miss him.
He was pretty smart, could sit and lay down and turn around. Sometimes he would run through all 3 without us telling him so he could get a treat. He was referred to as the "rasta" dog because he was so easy going. We think he had some sort of brain tumor. For the past month he was getting progressively weaker. Last night, all he wanted to do was go into a corner. I knew he was not comfortable, but he would not come to me. I prayed asking God to take him quickly so he doesn't suffer. If he ended up making it through the night, I would have made the decision to put him to sleep anyway-I didn't want Olie to suffer anymore. He did so much for us, the least we could do is let him go with dignity.
As it stands, he went on his own terms. I did not have to make the decision to put him down, and he was at home with us and not in some cold Vet's office with people he did not know poking and prodding him.
He is at peace now, playing with his sister Minute, his Uncle Peanut, and cousins Scrunchie, Poobah and all the other beloved pets who have left.
When he comes back home, he will sit right next to Minute, so they will remain together in our house.
It's quiet in the house now. Even with Lappy. I know he misses Olie even though he used to harrass him But he was just a young dog trying to get the old man to play.
I don't know if Hayden has been asking for Olie. When he does, we will just tell him that he went on a trip. Thankfully he's only 2 and has other things to keep his mind busy.
We love you Olie, and we miss you lots.